Monday, January 10, 2011



Doctors agree that swimming is an excellent choice of fitness for just about everyone, especially those who have physical limitations or who find other forms of exercise painful. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States.
  • Swimming can help reduce and possibly prevent high blood pressure, which lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke.
The body needs physical exercise to remain happy and healthy.
  • Swimming works all muscles without putting strain on your body. It’s regarded as the best all-around exercise that allows you to lose and maintain weight.
  • When you watch television, your body’s metabolism drops almost to sleeping levels.
A 145 lb runner can easily burn 300 calories in 30 minutes.
  • On average, a swimmer can burn as many calories in an hour as a runner who runs six miles in one hour.
Excessive or prolonged stress and anxiety produces a physiological flood of hormones and chemicals into your system that can wreak havoc with your body’s delicate internal balance. Links have been found between the ill effects of stress and anxiety and a decline in immune system function and your body’s ability to ward off illness.
To read more fitness benefits to owning a fiberglass pool, go to

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